NSW Prepurchase

Terms & Conditions

  1. Orders: Orders for Inspections and Reports can be made by telephone, by email or by fax.

  2. Access: We will organise access to the property using the information You provide.

  3. Payment: Payment is required at the time that the Inspection is ordered.

  4. Payment Method: Payment can be made by credit card or internet banking.

  5. Cancellations: We require 24 hours notice for cancellations or You will be charged the full Inspection Fee.

  6. Cancellation Method: Cancellation can be made by telephone, by email or by fax.

  7. The Australian Standard: This building inspection has been performed having regard to the Australian Standards AS4349.0-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 0: General Requirements and AS4349.1-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 1: Pre-purchase Inspections— Residential Buildings.

  8. Purpose of Inspection: Pre-purchase inspections— buildings states in section 2.2 Purpose of Inspection that the purpose of the inspection is to provide advice to a prospective purchaser regarding the condition of the property at the time of the inspection. The advice is limited to the reporting of the condition of the Building Elements in accordance with Appendix C AS3439.1 - 2007. The purpose of the inspection is not to advise the purchaser how repairs should be undertaken, when repairs are required or predict if any repairs may be necessary in the future. The purpose of the inspection is also not to advise the prospective purchaser whether they should purchase the property since there are other important factors which should be considered before this decision is made. These factors may include the price of the property, the location of the property and the suitability of the property to the purchaser, and are not the concern of a building inspection report.

  9. Limitation of Standard: The Australian Standard AS4349.0-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 0: General Requirements 1.2 APPLICATION and the Australian Standard AS4349.1-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 1: Pre-purchase Inspections— Residential Buildings 1.2 LIMITATIONS OF STANDARD say that a Report prepared in accordance with these sections of the Standards is not a certificate of compliance of the property within the requirements of any Act, regulation, ordinance, local law or by-law, or as a warranty or an insurance policy against problems developing with the building in the future.
    That the Standard does not require the Report to include the identification of unauthorized building work or of work not compliant with building regulations. The Standard also assumes that the existing use of the building will continue.

    Accordingly, this Report does not warrant that any section of the building or property complies with the Building Code of Australia or any Australian Standards. Any section of the Report that comments on the compliance or non-compliance of this building or property must be read subject to these exclusions and this disclaimer of liability.

  10. Compliance: The houses, units and building we inspect vary widely in age and type of construction. Please note carefully that it is not the purpose of this Report to determine whether these buildings comply with the current building codes, regulations, Australian Standards or Council requirements. Accordingly, we accept no responsibility for any aspect of this building that may not comply with current building codes, regulations, Australian Standards or Council requirements and accept no responsibility for the repair or upgrading of any section of this building so that it does comply with current building codes, regulations, Australian Standards or Council requirements.

  11. Furure Defects: The Australian Standard AS4349.1 Part 1: Pre-purchase inspections— buildings states in section 2.2 Purpose of Inspection that the purpose of the inspection is to provide advice to a prospective purchaser or other interested party regarding the condition of the property at the time of inspection. Accordingly, this Report is a Report on the condition of the property at the time of the inspection and we accept no responsibility for any defects that may appear at any time in the future.

  12. Sample Report: In accordance with the Australian Standard AS4349.0 Part 0: General requirements Section 2 Inspection Agreement, 2.1 General, C2.1, you confirm that you, or your Solicitor or Conveyancer, has seen a sample of our Report on our website, or elsewhere, and acknowledge that you are satisfied with the aspects covered in the Sample Report and the extent of reporting in the Sample Report which is similar to the Report you have received.

  13. Inspection Agreement: In accordance with the Australian Standard 4349.0 Part 0: General requirements Section 2 Inspection Agreement, 2.1 General, C2.1, you confirm that you have not signed an Inspection Agreement as time was not available for the signing of an Inspection Agreement.

  14. Scope: The Scope of the Inspection comprised a visual assessment of the property to identify major defects and to form an opinion regarding the general condition of the property at the time of the inspection.

  15. Acceptance Criteria: Your acceptance criteria is that the building shall be compared with a building that was constructed in accordance with the generally accepted practice at the time of the construction and which has been maintained such that there has been no significant loss of strength and serviceability.

  16. Testing: This building inspection has been performed having regard to the Australian Standards AS4349.0-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 0: General Requirements and AS4349.1-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 1: Pre-purchase Inspections— Residential Buildings and accordingly we have not:-
    1. tested or checked the operation and condition of appliances and fixtures, including ovens, stoves, dishwashers, exhausts, air conditioners, ducted vacuum systems, garage doors, fireplaces, chimneys or any other electrical or mechanical appliances or fixtures that may be present, including whether these appliances are correctly ducted or un-ducted. We recommend you ask your solicitor or conveyancer to check if the vendors still have current warranties for these which can be assigned to you; and
    2. determined whether the ground on which the building rests has been filled, is liable to slide, is subject to landslip, earthquakes, tidal inundation or if it is flood prone and we take no responsibility for any damage to the building or loss suffered due to any of these conditions or resulting from any of these causes.

  17. Repair Costs: It is not a requirement in the Australian Standard AS4349.1 Part 1: Pre-purchase  inspections to provide estimates of repair costs. The inspector may provide estimates of repair costs at his discretion. Any estimates of repair costs stated in this Report should be used as a guide only and cannot be relied on. For accurate costings, quotes must be obtained from a number of suitably qualified  tradesmen or builders.

  18. Important Conditions: This building Report must be read in conjunction with the information and conditions in the section contained in the report and headed "Important Conditions Which Form Part of This Building Report."

    NSW Office of Fair Trading states the following in their publication titled "Property Inspections, Pre Purchase Property Reports"

    "Most properties will have minor defects such as blemishes, corrosion, cracking, weathering, general deterioration, and unevenness and physical damage to materials and finishes. If you want the consultant to report on minor defects and imperfections you will need to ask for a ‘special–purpose’ property report."

    Accordingly, you should be aware and note that this inspection does not report on minor faults and irregularities that are consistent with a property of this age and type of construction.

  19. Innaccessible Areas: This Report will not disclose defects in inaccessible areas or areas that are not reasonably visible, defects which are only apparent in weather conditions different to those at the time of this inspection and latent defects which have not yet manifested themselves, and no responsibility is taken for defects of these kinds.

  20. Concealed Defects: Our inspection is only of areas which are readily accessible and readily visible. Accordingly we take no responsibility and accept no  liability for any damage that may be present in the concealed timber wall, floor and roof framing.

  21. Condition of Property: This Report is based only on the condition of the building at the time of the inspection. The Australian Standard AS4349.1 Part 1: Pre-purchase inspections— buildings states in section 2.2 Purpose of Inspection that the purpose of the inspection is to provide advice to a prospective purchaser regarding the condition of the property at the time of inspection. Accordingly, this Report is a Report on the condition of the property at the time of the inspection and we accept no responsibility for any defects that may appear at any time in the future. Therefore, this Company will not accept responsibility and cannot be held liable and for any defects that may appear at any time after three months from the date of this report.

  22. Cracking: The interior and exterior walls in this building were carefully examined for cracking in the walls. Any cracks that were present at the time of the inspection were noted and their extent and severity explained. Because of changes in the weather, the amount of moisture in the soil is continually varying causing the ground to expand and contract. This condition can contribute to movement of the footings that support the walls and can result in cracking in the walls. Cracks may appear in the internal and external walls in this building at any time. It is not possible to predict whether cracks will appear in the walls or whether any cracks that are present at the time of our inspection will increase in extent and severity. Please note carefully that we accept no responsibility for any cracking in the walls that may appear in the future or any increase in the extent or severity of any cracks that were present at the time of the inspection.

  23. Copy & Paste: This Report was not compiled by copying and pasting of any text in the Report. The reason that the description of some rooms may appear similar is because there is often a uniformity in the construction and finishes in the rooms of most properties.

  24. Flexible Hoses: We strongly recommend that you engage a licensed plumber to check whether flexible water supply hoses have been used in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry since flexible hoses can burst at any time and cause extensive water damage to the property.

  25. Asbestos: Please note carefully that this inspection Report is not an asbestos inspection Report and does not include an inspection of asbestos. The inspector is not qualified to inspect for asbestos. We therefore take no responsibility for asbestos matters and any comments on asbestos must be read subject to these exclusions and this disclaimer of liability. Asbestos containing materials, including fibro, were in common use in buildings that are fifteen years or more old. There are a large number of buildings in Australia that contain asbestos but without specialised testing, which is outside our area of expertise and the scope of this report, and having access to parts of the building not readily visible, it is difficult to accurately determine whether asbestos is present in a building and we are therefore unable to reliably state whether or not this building contains asbestos. Nevertheless, the general consensus in the building industry is that buildings with asbestos that is in good condition pose no danger to their occupants unless the material that contains asbestos is disturbed. You should be aware that removal of building materials containing asbestos such as corrugated asbestos cement roofing or internal or external fibro wall sheeting will almost certainly involve substantial costs because of stringent safety rules in relation to handling of asbestos imposed by Government authorities. For further information about asbestos see www.asbestosinspections.com.au
    Accordingly, this Company will not accept responsibility and cannot be held liable for the presence of any asbestos containing materials or the removal of any asbestos containing materials.

  26. Asbestos Inspection: If you are contemplating any alterations or additions to the property, most Councils will require you to undertake an asbestos inspection before work commences so that any sections of the building that contain asbestos can be identified and removed to eliminate a health risk to the owners and the building contractors. For further information about asbestos see www.asbestosinspections.com.au
  27. Plumbing & Electrical: The Australian Standard AS4349.1-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 1: Pre-purchase Inspections— Residential Buildings states that the inspector is not required to check the adequacy of the plumbing or electrical installation. We therefore take no responsibility for these matters and our Report on the plumbing and electrical installation must be read subject to these exclusions and this disclaimer of liability. Please note also, that we are not responsible to determine whether the electricity or water supply have been turned off or disconnected before we attend the property.

  28. Hot Water Tank: The condition of the hot water tank and its adequacy is not part of a pre purchase inspection and Report in accordance with the Australian Standard AS4349.1-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 1: Pre-purchase Inspections— Residential Buildings which states that the inspector is not required to check the adequacy of any section of the plumbing. Additionally, the Department of Fair Trading states the following on their website - "Property Inspections,  Things Not Included - plumbing." We therefore take no responsibility for the condition of the hot water tank. Should the inspector mention the hot water tank in the Report, its condition and adequacy must be read subject to these exclusions and this disclaimer of liability.

  29. Plumbing Blockages: An inspection of the plumbing in this building has been made by examining the exposed plumbing pipes, testing the water pressure at all the taps and flushing the toilets if the water supply is on.  Blockages in sewer lines can sometimes be identified by hand basins that do not drain quickly when filled or toilets that do not drain quickly when flushed but often this condition only becomes apparent after continual use over a period of time and in these cases blockages in sewer and stormwater pipes cannot be identified during the course of an inspection. Blockages in sewer and stormwater pipes can also occur  at any time because of  tree roots entering into sewer and stormwater pipes below the ground. For these reasons we cannot accept responsibility if there are, or if there develops, any blockages in sewer and stormwater pipes and this Company cannot be held liable for any repairs made necessary by such blockages.

  30. Stormwater: It is not permissible to allow downpipes collecting rainwater from the gutters to discharge into the sewer system. It is impossible to determine simply by a visual inspection whether the downpipes are connected into the sewer pipes. This  can only be determined by smoke testing using specialised equipment which is outside our area of expertise and accordingly outside the scope of this Report. This Company therefore takes no responsibility for the cost of rectification where downpipes discharge into the sewer or into the ground.

  31. Showers: Shower enclosures are examined for evidence of seepage but it is  not possible to determine whether a waterproof membrane has been installed or it’s condition because the membrane is not exposed to view. Should seepage through the bathroom walls or floors appear, replacement of the tiles and renewal of the membrane will be necessary, and in some cases damage to the timber wall and floor framing can occur. Leaking showers and damage to the timber wall and floor framing is therefore outside the scope of this Report and this Company cannot be held liable for repairs to leaking showers or damage to the timber wall and floor framing.

  32. Shower Drainage: It is not a requirement  in the Australian Standard AS4349.0-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 0: General Requirements 1.2 APPLICATION and the Australian Standard AS4349.1-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 1: Pre-purchase Inspections— Residential Buildings to tst whether water on the floor of a shower discharges into the drain in the shower. Therefore, our Inspectors do not test whether the water in the shower discharges into the drain. Accordingly, this Company will not accept responsibility and cannot be held liable for any water that does not drain into the shower and any repairs that may be necessary to the shower for the drainage of water.

  33. Exclusions: The client acknowledges that this Report does not deal with the following items in accordance with the Australian Standard AS4349.1-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 1: Pre-purchase Inspections— Residential Buildings:
    1. Footings below ground.
    2. Concealed damp-proof course.
    3. Electrical installations, operation of smoke detectors, light switches and fittings, TV, sound and communications and security systems.
    4. Concealed plumbing.
    5. Adequacy of roof drainage as installed.
    6. Gas fittings and fixtures.
    7. Air conditioning.
    8. Automatic garage door mechanisms.
    9. Swimming pools and associated filtration and similar equipment.
    10. The operation of fireplaces and solid fuel heaters, including chimneys and flues.
    11. Alarm systems.
    12. Intercom systems.
    13. Soft floor coverings.
    14. Electrical appliances including dishwashers, incinerators, ovens, ducted vacuum systems.
    15. Paint coatings, except external protective coatings.
    16. Health hazards (e.g., allergies, soil toxicity, lead content, radon, presence of asbestos or urea formaldehyde).
    17. Timber and metal framing sizes and adequacy.
    18. Concealed tie-downs and bracing.
    19. Timber pest activity.
    20. Other mechanical or electrical equipment (such as gates, inclinators).
    21. Soil conditions.
    22. Control joints.
    23. Sustainable development provisions.
    24. Concealed framing-timbers or any areas concealed by wall linings/sidings.
    25. Landscaping.
    26. Rubbish.
    27. Floor cover.
    28. Furniture and accessories.
    29. Stored items.
    30. Insulation.
    31. Environmental matters (e.g., BASIX, water tanks, BCA Environmental Provisions).
    32. Energy efficiency.
    33. Lighting efficiency.

  34. Pest Inspection: This Building Inspection Report is not and should not be confused with a Pest Inspection Report. This Company is not responsible for and cannot be held liable if there is any infestation of termites, borers or any other pests in the property or for any damage that such infestation  may cause.

  35. Separate Pest Inspection: Furthermore, please note that the NSW Office of Fair Trading states the following in its publication, Pre-purchase building inspections: A home buyer’s guide:  "It is also useful to get a separate pest inspection report before you buy the property."

  36. Other Pests: This Company is not responsible for and cannot be held liable if there is any infestation of other pests in the property including, but not limited to, possums, birds, cockroaches, rats, mice, wasps, bees, fleas, ants snakes and spiders, or for any damage that such pests may cause to the property.

  37. Concealed Timbers: No liability will be accepted for any damage whatsoever that may be present in areas in this property where the timber wall, floor and roof framing is not exposed to view and this Company cannot be held responsible for any damage to concealed timber wall, floor and roof framing.

  38. Accessability: Only the readily accessible and readily visible areas of this building were inspected and reported on. The Report therefore does not extend to any areas where there were physical limitations which inhibit or prevent access and inspection, including but not limited to fixed ceilings, wall linings, floors covered by floor coverings, fixtures, fittings and furniture, clothes and other stored articles/materials in cupboards or elsewhere, insulation, sarking, pipe/duct work, and areas covered by or containing builders debris, vegetation, pavements or earth.  Any section of the building that is not readily accessible, such as garages, laundries, sheds, other rooms, manholes to ceiling cavities, trapdoors to subfloor areas or any other areas that are locked or not readily accessible, including concealed hot water tanks, cannot be reported on and no responsibility will therefore be taken in respect of defects that may be present in these parts of the building. The client will be charged an additional fee to inspect these areas if access becomes available at a later date.

  39. Right of Entry: In accordance with the Australian Standard AS4349.1 Part 1: Pre-purchase inspections— buildings, please note that Section 2.3.2 Areas for inspection says that the inspection can only report on accessible areas. The Australian Standard also states that the client must arrange right of entry, facilitate physical entry to the property and supply necessary information to enable the inspector to undertake the inspection and prepare the report. The inspector is not responsible for arranging entry to the property or parts of property. Areas where reasonable entry is denied to the inspector, or where reasonable access is not available, are excluded from, and do not form part of the inspection and Report. Accordingly, any areas of the building that are not accessible will be excluded from the Report and the client will be charged an additional fee if those areas become accessible at a later date and an inspection of those areas are requested.

  40. Safe Access: The Australian Standard AS4349.1-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 1: Pre-purchase Inspections— Residential Buildings states that Reasonable Access is defined as areas where safe unobstructed access is provided. Reasonable access does not include removing screws or bolts to access covers. Reasonable access does not include destructive or invasive inspection methods nor does it include cutting or making access traps or moving furniture, floor coverings or stored goods. Access to any areas of the building as detailed above must be made by the owner. We recommend you arrange for us to gain access to any areas of the building that were not accessible to determine whether any repairs are required in these areas. However, we advise that this will require a second visit to the property at an additional fee.

  41. Reasonable Access: The Australian Standard AS4349.1-2007 Inspection of Buildings Part 1: Pre-purchase Inspections— Residential Buildings states that Reasonable Access constitutes access from a ladder no higher than 3.6 metres, manhole access to the ceiling cavity no smaller than 450mm x 400mm, crawl space in the ceiling cavity no less than 600mm x 600mm, manhole access to the subfloor no less than 500mm x 400mm and vertical clearance in the subfloor not less than 400mm to the underside of the bearers. Special arrangements will be required for access to any of the above areas that are outside these dimensions.

  42. Restricted Access: Our inspectors are not authorised to move any items on the properties we inspect including but not limited to furniture, fittings, floor coverings, white goods, debris, vegetation or any personal effects. These items can sometimes conceal access to the subfloor below the property, access to the manhole into the ceiling area and access to other areas of the property. Accordingly, the client will be charged an additional fee to inspect these areas if access becomes available at a later date as a result of the movement of these items.

  43. Further Access: Where we recommend that further access to sections of the property be arranged for us, you should urgently arrange for such further access to be provided so that further inspections of those sections can be carried out BEFORE you proceed with the purchase of this property. No inspection of any areas concealed by furnishings or household items was made for the purposes of this Report.

  44. Obstructions: Where we state that areas of the property are concealed by certain items including, but not limited to furniture, person effects, stored goods, building materials, foliage and debris, those items should be removed so that an inspection of the concealed areas can be undertaken before the purchase of the property proceeds.

  45. Visibility: Where we state in our Report that a section of a property is "satisfactory as far as visible", that section of the property that is not visible must be made accessible so that it becomes visible and can be inspected before the purchase proceeds. Please note carefully that we take no responsibility for any defects that are present or any repairs that are required to any section of the property that we state is not visible and that is not made accessible for inspection before you purchase the property.

  46. Minor Defects: The Australian Standard AS4349.1 Part 1: Pre-purchase inspections— buildings states Section C4.2.8 says that minor defects are common to most properties and may include minor blemishes, corrosion, cracking, weathering, general deterioration, unevenness, and physical damage to materials and finishes, such as de-silvering of mirrors. It is expected that defects of this type would be rectified as part of normal ongoing property maintenance. It is neither intended nor expected that the Report will include details of specific minor defects. Accordingly, this Report does not report on minor defects or  matters unlikely to significantly affect the use or value of the property or which it would be reasonable to expect would be repaired or replaced during the course of  regular and prudent maintenance of the property including, but not limited to, minor blemishes, corrosion, cracking, weathering, general deterioration, unevenness, and physical damage to materials and finishes, such as de-silvering of mirrors, the quality of paint work and normal wear and tear.

  47. Comparison of Buildings: The Report  has been prepared by comparing the inspected building with a building that was constructed in accordance with the generally accepted practice at the time of construction and which has been maintained so that there has been no significant loss of strength and durability.

  48. Alterations & Additions: This Building Report is the result of the inspection of the readily accessible and readily visible areas of this building only. Please note carefully that should you undertake any alterations or additions to this property and discover any other defects that were not noted in the Report, we will accept no responsibility for the presence of these defects or for the repair of the defects.

  49. Occupied Properties: If the property to be inspected is occupied then you must be aware that furnishings or household items may be concealing defects which may only be revealed when the items are moved or removed. Where the Report says the property is occupied you agree to:
    1. Obtain a statement from the owner as to any Timber Pest activity or damage to the property;
    2. timber repairs or other repairs to the property;
    3. alterations and additions to the property;
    4. any other work carried out to the property
    5. any Timber Pest treatments to the property;
    6. any paperwork, invoices or accounts issued and the details of all work carried out;
    7. any other problems to the property known to them.
      Indemnify the Inspector from any loss incurred by you relating to the items listed  above where no such statement is obtained.

  50. Movement of Objects: We cannot, as part of our inspection, dig, gouge, break apart, dismantle, remove or move any objects including but not limited to furnishings, floor and wall coverings, insulation, appliances, foliage and personal possessions. Accordingly, we will accept no responsibility for the presence of any defects or for the repair of any defects that may become apparent when any of the actions stated above take place as is often the case when former occupants of the property vacate the property.

  51. Concealed Defects: You agree that we cannot accept any liability for our failure to report a defect that was concealed by the owner of the building being inspected and you agree to indemnify us for any failure to find such concealed defects.

  52. Existing Usage: The Report is prepared and presented, unless stated otherwise, under the assumption that the existing use of the building will continue in its current usage.

  53. Electrical Hazard: Please note carefully that when we state that there is insulation present in the ceiling area, we strongly recommend that you engage an electrician to check that the insulation has not been placed over lights or electric cables since this condition can present a substantial fire risk.

  54. Insulation: Where we state in our Report that insulation is present in the ceiling cavity, that insulation should be removed and the ceiling cavity re-inspected since the insulation is severely restricting our ability to inspect the timber ceiling beams and timber top wall plates. Please note carefully that we accept no responsibility for any damage that may be present in the timber ceiling beams or timber top wall plates if the insulation is not removed so that we can undertake a proper and thorough inspection of these timber members.

  55. Safety Glass: Glass installed in the windows and doors in this property may not be safety glass. A glazier should be engaged to replace any glass in the windows and doors which is not safety glass since glass which is not safety glass can cause serious injury to persons if broken.

  56. Gutters: The gutters in this building were inspected in relation to their condition. Any corrosion of the gutters was noted in the report, however, we did not inspect the gutters in relation the adequacy of the fall of the gutters towards the downpipes or whether the gutters overflow during certain weather conditions. Accordingly, we do not accept any responsibility for water damage to the property that may have occurred in the past or that may occur in the future as a result of incorrectly graded gutters or gutters that overflow due to the faulty design of the gutters or incorrect installation of the gutters. Should you observe that the gutters or downpipes in this property are not functioning properly you should engage a suitably qualified contractor to immediately repair the gutters and downpipes and any damage that the gutters and downpipes may have caused.

  57. Encroachments: This Report is not concerned with the position of any buildings on the land in relation to the boundaries. Accordingly, this company accepts no responsibility for any encroachments that may exist or any buildings that have been constructed too close to the boundaries in contravention of Local Government, State Government or Federal Government Regulations. We strongly recommend that a survey of the property should be obtained by a qualified surveyor to confirm that no encroachments are present and no Regulations have been contravened.

  58. NSW Fair Trading:  The NSW Office of Fair Trading states the following in their publication "Pre-purchase building inspections: A home buyer’s guide,"
    The report is not a guarantee that the building complies with current standards or   building codes or that the building will not develop problems in the future.

    A building inspection report shouldn’t be seen as an all-encompassing report dealing with every aspect of the property. Rather it should be seen as a reasonable attempt to identify any significant problems visible at the time of the inspection.

    A building inspection report will usually not include:

    1. parts of the property that weren’t or couldn’t be inspected.
    2. matters outside the consultant’s expertise.
    3. an estimate of repair costs.
    4. a full description of minor defects.
    5. termite detection.

      A building inspection report shouldn’t be seen as an  all-encompassing report dealing with every aspect of the property. Rather it should be seen as a reasonable attempt to identify any significant problems visible at the time of the inspection.

    1. footings
    2. concealed damp-proofing
    3. electrical wiring and smoke detectors
    4. plumbing
    5. drainage (including site drainage)
    6. gasfitting
    7. air conditioning
    8. garage door locks and door mechanisms
    9. swimming pools and pool equipment
    10. watering systems
    11. fireplaces and chimneys
    12. alarm systems
    13. intercom systems
    14. carpet and linoleum
    15. appliances such as dishwashers, insinkerators, ovens, ducted vacuum systems, hot plates and range hoods

      While the report will give you valuable expert advice, it won’t cover every detail about the property. Pre-purchase building inspections do not include:

    1. paint coatings
    2. hazards eg. the presence of lead or asbestos
    3. every opening window
    4. television reception
    5. concealed framing, bracing, tie downs, etc.
    6. environmental matters (basix and the like).
    7. energy and lighting efficiency.

      With strata scheme and company title properties, the consultant will only inspect and assess the condition of the interior and immediate exterior of the unit you are thinking of buying. You should contact the Secretary of the Owners’ Corporation or Company to ask about the history and cost of repairs to other units and the common property. This information is important as the cost of repairs and maintenance to common property can sometimes be substantial. Owners normally share the cost of these repairs.

      It is up to you (or your representative) to arrange access to the property for the inspection to take place.

      Accordingly, we take no responsibility for the inspection or condition of any areas noted above. Should we make note of any of the above areas in our Report, those areas of the Report must be read subject to these exclusions and this disclaimer of liability.
  59. Fireplaces: The condition and operation of fireplaces and chimneys is outside the requirements of the Australian Standard AS4349.1-2007 Inspection of Buildings. Please note carefully that should a fireplace be present on your property, a fireplace expert must be engaged to determine the condition of the fireplace before it is used. Accordingly, this company accepts no responsibility for the operation of fireplaces and cannot be held liable for any damage cause by the use of a fireplace including damage as a result of a fire.

  60. Recommendations: Where we have made recommendations in the Report in relation to any aspects of the property, these recommendations must be undertaken BEFORE the purchase proceeds. Should you not complete ALL the recommendations made in this Report, our Company will not responsible for and cannot be held liable for any defects that become apparent as a result of the recommendations not being undertaken or any costs of repairs as a result of the recommendations not being undertaken.

  61. Verbal Report: This Report overrides any verbal report provided by our inspectors or any conversation that may take place between our inspectors and the Client. In accordance with the Australian Standards noted in this Report, we strongly recommend that you do not exchange contracts on the strength of a verbal report with the inspector and that every section of the Report is thoroughly read before the purchase proceeds.

  62. Disputes: In the event of any dispute or claim arising out of, or relating to the Inspection or the Report, or any alleged negligent act or omission on our part or on the part of the individual conducting the Inspection, either party must give written Notice of the dispute or claim to the other party. If the dispute is not resolved within 21 days from the  service of the Notice then this Company will refer the dispute or claim to a Mediator nominated by Us. Should the dispute or claim not be resolved by mediation then this Company will refer the dispute or claim to the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators of Australia who will appoint an Arbitrator who will resolve the dispute by arbitration. The mediation and arbitration fees will be shared equally by the Company and the Client. The Client is required to forward half of the cost of the mediation and arbitration fees to the Company before the mediation and arbitration is commenced. The Arbitrator will also determine what costs each of the parties are to pay. Please note carefully that no repairs to the property can be undertaken before any dispute is resolved.

  63. Vexatious Claims: You must read every section of the Report before you consider making a claim against our Company. A vexatious claim is defined  by the Courts as a claim that is without merit, ill conceived and/or fraudulent. Should we categorise your claim as being without merit, ill conceived and/or fraudulent, please note carefully that our response to your claim will incur a cost.

  64. Repairs: It is not part of our engagement to undertake any repairs of any defects that have been identified in this Report.

  65. Reliance on Report:  In the event of any dispute or claim arising out of, or relating to the Inspection or the Report, or any alleged negligent act or omission on our part or on the part of the individual conducting the Inspection, you may rely on the Report to make a claim, however, you are required to rely on every part of the report and you cannot be selective in the parts of the Report that you rely on.

  66. Acceptance of Report: The Client agrees that they accept the report with all the conditions stated therein. Should the Client not agree to any condition in this Report, a written Notice must be received in the Company's registered office within 7 days of the date of the Report.

  67. Disclaimer of Liability to Third Parties: This Report is made for the use and benefit of the Client named on the front of the Report and no liability or responsibility whatsoever is accepted to any third party who may rely on the Report, wholly or in part. Any third party seeking to rely or acting in reliance on this Report, whether in whole or in part, does so at their own risk.

Contact Details

Phone 9387 7048 7 Days
Inspections All Areas
Office open 8am to 8pm


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February promotion
Building & Pest Inspections $495
that's $54 off !!

Recent Inspections

3 Selwyn Street, Paddington
303/62A Dover road, Rose Bay
1 Hannan Lane, Maroubra
160 Windsor Street, Paddington
39 Palmerston Avenue, Bronte
108/63 Ramsey Street, Five Dock
29 Regent Street, Summer Hill
106/113-117 Parramatta Road, Camperdown
18 Harris Street, Balmain
8/50 Carlton Street, Summer Hill
11 Kembla Street, Croydon
44 Thompson Street, Gladesville
41 Comenarra Parkway, Thornleigh
6 Ravensbourne Circuit, Dural
19 Charlie Yankos Street, Glenwood
7 Duncan Place, North Rocks
165A Fisher Road North, Cromer
42 Daly Avenue, Wahroonga
19 Darvall Street, Naremburn
62 The Conemarra Parkway, Turramurra
30 Seaview Avenue, Belrose
1/400 Railway Parade, Allawah
24 Canonbury Grove, Bexley
51 Terry Street, Arncliffe
21 Wonga Road, Lalor Park
79 Hennessy Avenue, Moorebank
2/27 Valeria Street, Toongabbie
29 Holly Crescent, Jordan Sporings
3/15 Lancaster Street, Blacktown
7 Gore Street, Parramatta
8 Kurmond Street, Jamisontown
13/226 Harrow Road, Glenfield
31 Government Road, Hinchinbrook
9 Liverpool Street, Ingleburn
12 Queenscliff Drive, Woodbine
12 Greeway Drive, Ruse

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