NCAT Reports & Scott Schedules for the Tribunal, Local Court, District Court, Supreme Court and Mediation.
Are you in dispute with your builder? Call us and we'll resolve it quickly and cost effectively.
Don't make your final payment to the builder until we do our inspection and submit our List of Defects for the builder to rectify as he is required to do by law.
Independent advice on damp entry and how to fix it including rising damp, moisture penetration into walls and rain water seepage through the roof.
Investigation of cracks including their severity, why they have appeared and how to fix them.
Independent guide to costs of all types or repairs including new roofs, replacement of plumbing, renewal of electrical wiring, underpinning and waterproofing.
Is the builder doing a reasonable job? If not, you better find out sooner than later.
Click here to view a
sample of our report.
February promotion
Building & Pest Inspections $495
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