It is important for every person to know whether there is asbestos in their home or workplace so that the areas that contain asbestos are left alone if they are in good condition or removed if they are deemed to be a health risk.
February promotion
Residential Asbestos Inspections $795
- that's $195 off !
For further information about asbestos visit
or phone (02) 9369 2787
Asbestos Laboratories provide an affordable asbestos testing service that will tell you whether asbestos is present in your home or workplace.
This service allows you to send us a sample of any section of your building for laboratory analysis.
It is important for every person to know if there is asbestos where they live or work so that they do not disturb the areas that contain asbestos and create a health risk to themselves, their family or their colleagues.
Living with asbestos? Find out for your health's sake!
February promotion
$99 per sample - that's $25 off !
For further information about asbestos testing contact us at
or phone (02) 9369 2787
Click here to view a
sample of our report.
February promotion
Building & Pest Inspections $495
that's $54 off !!